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How to Become a Superager: Unpleasant intense effort maintains a sharper memory and a greater ability to pay attention.

Are you a giver or a taker? 2016 TED Talk by Adam Grant, with Reddit AMA

In 2017, Pursue Meaning Instead of Happiness, by Emily Esfahani Smith and Jennifer Aaker

The Challenge of Predicting What Will Make You Happy in the Future, by Daniel Gilbert, via Gretchen Rubin

Five Keys to Happiness That LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner Lives By, from Ray Chambers, as told to Oprah, SuperSoul Sunday

3 Ways to Better Understand Your Emotions, by Susan David of Emotional Agility

There is no happiness without sadness. Negative emotions are the key to well being.

Traps You Fall Into That Limit Your Happiness, by Dr. Travis Bradberry

Motivation: The Scientific Guide on How to Get and Stay Motivated

When you peak at everything, according to science...

America is obsessed with happiness — and it’s making us miserable.

The Sweet Emotional Life of Bees

Reid Hoffman has a simple formula for happiness, success, and saving the world.

The One Thing Successful People Never Do: They Never Give Up

"What Should You Choose: Time or Money?"

Neuroscience Of Meditation: How To Make Your Mind Awesome, by Eric Barker

Neuroscience Of Mindfulness: How To Make Your Mind Happy By Getting Your Left Brain Under Control, by Eric Barker

How to Be Happier: Stop Trying to Be So Happy All the Time

Indifference is power: As legions of warriors and prisoners attest, Stoicism isn't grim resolve but a way to wrest happiness from adversity.

Freakonomics economist Steven Levitt asked people to flip coins to make big life decisions. Those who made a major change were happier.

Neuroscience Reveals That Hugs Are The Easy Ritual That Will Make You Happy, by Eric Barker

Harnessing Happiness to Build Your Career — First Round Advice from Uber Product Leader Frederique Dame

Harvard-trained researcher Shawn Achor told Oprah the 5-step secret to happiness, including breathing and the happy secret to better work.

This is How To Find Happiness: 6 Proven Secrets From Research by Robert Biswas-Diener and Jennifer Aaker

Six Quick Happiness Fixes by Outside Online

I’ll have to calm down a bit. Or else I’ll burst with happiness. ~Tove Jansson, Moominsummer Madness

4 Happiness Rituals: Gratitude, Labels, Decisions, and Hugs

This Is How To Be Productive: 5 New Secrets Proven by Research by Eric Barker

Why Good Storytellers Are Happier in Life and in Love

5 Beneficial Side Effects of Kindness include that it makes our hearts healthier and it slows aging.

Why do animals like capybaras so much?

Long visits to nature are linked to improved mental health.

9 of history's great philosophers happiness quotes: Russell, Nietzsche, Mill, Socrates, Confucious, Seneca, Lao Tzu, Kierkegaard, Thoreau...

FOMO: This Is The Best Way To Overcome Fear Of Missing Out

One Hard Thing You Have to Do to Be Happy, Healthy and Successful: Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable, by Marc and Angel

How to Make Money Buy Happiness, by Mr Money Mustache

How To Make Life Spectacular: 4 Rituals Backed By Research, by David Niven and Eric Barker

Top 10 Reasons to Smile gif

Harvard Professors Michael Puett and Christine Gross-Loh Say There's A Way to Be Happier Through Great Chinese Thinkers From Long Ago

Finding gratitude and appreciation is key to resilience. ~Sheryl Sandberg Berkeley commencement speech

Emilia Lahti, Sisu, and the Glossary of Happiness by the Positive Lexicography Project, via the New Yorker

Your Brain Has A "Delete" Button -- Here's How To Use It

The Day TED Might Have Died, by Chris Anderson

18 Incredible Science-Based Benefits of Regular Sauna Use

Don't Worry, I'm Yours Over the Rainbow Mashup: Jason Mraz vs Bobby McFerrin vs Israel Kamakawiwo'ole

Happiness genes located for the first time...

What 5 things can someone do every day to be happy?

This Is The Most Inspiring Way To Be Happier And More Motivated: Elevation

Why smart people are better off with fewer friends, by the Washington Post

Gardening and the Secret of Happiness by Brain Pickings